In this Flutter tutorial, we’ll learn how to practically implement Flutter pinch zoom image inside list view builder. We’ll understand it using proper Flutter code example with step by step explanation.
Introduction: Flutter Pinch Zoom Image
It means that the image will be zoomable if we pinch it. We’ll understand the below listed concepts in this tutorial:
- We’ll make the image zoomable by pinching it.
- We’ll create a list of images and allow the user to zoom the selected item.
- The size of image will be set to default when the user stops pinching it. We’ll be using a simple animation for that.
Let’s now start coding this Flutter pinch zoom program.
Implementing Flutter Pinch Zoom Image Inside List View Builder (Detailed Explanation)
Below steps will guide you how to implement the feature of pinch to zoom image in Flutter list view builder.
Step 1: Create Animation, Transformation Controllers and Animation Controller
Animation<Matrix4>? animation; List<AnimationController> animationControllers = []; List<TransformationController> controllers = [];
- We’ve created an animation object.
- Then we’ve created an empty list of animation controllers. Reason for creating a list of controllers is to assign each image with its own controller. Its used to animate the size of image to its default one.
- Transformation controller is used to listen to the zoom and pan gestures.
Step 2: Ticker Provider State Mixin
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> with TickerProviderStateMixin{ //// }
Step 3: Function to Add Controllers To Lists
addControllersToLists() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { controllers.add(TransformationController()); animationControllers.add(AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200)) ..addListener(() => controllers[i].value = animation!.value)); } }
- In this function, we’ve used Flutter for loop with a range of 10.
- Transformation controllers will be added to its specified list.
- In case of animation controller:
- First it’ll be initialized with vsync: this and duration of 200 milliseconds. The duration specifies the speed of animation.
- Also, a listener will be added which will assign the value of animation to the transformation controllers’ values.
- Finally, it’ll be added to the list of animation controllers.
Step 4: Calling that Function
@override void initState() { addControllersToLists(); super.initState(); }
Step 5: Dispose The Controllers
@override void dispose() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { controllers[i].dispose(); animationControllers[i].dispose(); } super.dispose(); }
Step 6: Flutter List View Builder
The complete source code will be provided in the end. In here, we’ll just see the important points.
First we’ve created a list view builder which will have 10 items(images in this case). Click here to learn how to properly use Flutter image asset. See below:
In order to make them zoomable, we’ve to wrap it with interactive viewer. See below code:
For demonstration, we’ve pinched one image and it gets zoomed but we can see that the size remains the same. Let’s see how to make the size big.
Clip Behavior
clipBehavior: Clip.none
![[Solved] Flutter Pinch Zoom Image In ListView Builder 6 flutter list view builder showing a list of images in which one item is flutter pinch zoom with clip behavior none](
Transformation Controller
Size of zoomed image will remain zoomed. In order to resize it to its default size, we’ll use two constructors of interactive viewer. Se below:
1. Transformation Controller
transformationController: controllers[index]
If we pinch zoom the image then it’ll remain zoomed. In order to resize it, either we’ve to manually pinch zoom out or we can specify a code that will do it automatically. In case of automation, we can use the above transformation controller.
2. On Interaction End
onInteractionEnd: (details) { animation = Matrix4Tween( begin: controllers[index].value, end: Matrix4.identity()).animate(CurvedAnimation( parent: animationControllers[index], curve: Curves.linear)); animationControllers[index].forward(from: 0); // Its used to start the animation }
This constructor takes a function which is triggered whenever the user ends the interaction with the child(image in our case).
Inside it, we’ve specified animation from the current zoomed level to the original state. In order to make it work, we’ve to use this animation value inside our animation controller value.
For that, we’ve specified a listener to our controller which is inside init state and have assigned the animation value to the controller’s value. See below:
controllers[i].value = animation!.value // see step 3 for complete code
Min and Max Scale
minScale: 1 maxScale: 4
These constructor takes a double(decimal) value but we can pass integer as well like shown above.
Pan Enabled
panEnabled: false
Align Pan Axis
alignPanAxis: true
By default, its false. Making it true will allow the user to pan the zoomed image only in horizontal or vertical direction, but not in the diagonal one.
So this is how we can easily implement Flutter pinch zoom image inside Flutter list view builder. If you like it then do feel free to share it with your squad of Flutter developers.
Don’t hesitate to ask if you still have any doubts related to this Flutter pinch zoom. We’ll be happy to clear all your doubts.
Click here to learn the more detailed version of pinch zoom in Flutter.
The complete source code of Flutter pinch zoom image is provided in the below block.
Flutter Pinch Zoom In List View Builder Source Code
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp(debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, home: HomePage()); } } class HomePage extends StatefulWidget { const HomePage({super.key}); @override State<HomePage> createState() => _HomePageState(); } class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> with TickerProviderStateMixin { Animation<Matrix4>? animation; List<AnimationController> animationControllers = []; List<TransformationController> controllers = []; addControllersToLists() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { controllers.add(TransformationController()); animationControllers.add(AnimationController( vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200)) ..addListener(() => controllers[i].value = animation!.value)); } } @override void initState() { addControllersToLists(); super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { controllers[i].dispose(); animationControllers[i].dispose(); } super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: ListView.builder( itemCount: 10, itemBuilder: (context, index) { return InteractiveViewer( alignPanAxis: true, panEnabled: false, clipBehavior: Clip.none, transformationController: controllers[index], minScale: 1, maxScale: 4, onInteractionEnd: (details) { animation = Matrix4Tween( begin: controllers[index].value, end: Matrix4.identity()) .animate(CurvedAnimation( parent: animationControllers[index], curve: Curves.linear)); animationControllers[index].forward(from: 0); }, child: Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.all(30), child: Image.asset( 'assets/cat.jpg', height: 200, width: double.infinity, fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), ); }), ); } }
In conclusion, hope you now have grasp a detailed knowledge of how to use Flutter pinch zoom inside Flutter list view builder. Do feel free to leave your valuable thoughts in the comment section.
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